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Our Purpose

People of Asian descent have long been embedded in the large fabric of the United States, yet are constantly ostracized and stereotyped as foreigners or "model minorities." In the recent exponential increase of hate crimes against Asian Americans, anti-racist education becomes even more crucial to the wellbeing of Asian Americans.


This becomes a challenge when Asian American history is hardly taught in K-12 classrooms. This website will compile different lesson plans teachers can use alongside different digital archives to enhance student learning. Additionally, this website will propose specific historical material to further engage students and challenge them to think critically about American history and challenge the narrative of un-belonging. We hope this will eventually inspire both teachers and students to feel comfortable exploring archives with and discussing Asian American history.


We would love to hear any feedback or questions you might have. Please click on the "feedback" tab on the top menu or scroll to the bottom to submit your any thoughts. 


Thank you for visiting our website!


University of Delaware Asian American Anti-Racism Initiative

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